Office: 330-668-3300 - 24/7 Support: 234-206-9110

Service Areas

Fairlawn & Beyond

Within Fairlawn or beyond our borders where we look to expand, the fastest way to get service is by calling us at 330-668-3300 to get on the installation schedule. Thank you for support and patience throughout the construction process. We look forward to connecting you!

An exceptional Internet connection improving everyday life and growing business opportunities!

Summit County

Medina County

Other Areas

Yes, we expand beyond our Fairlawn footprint when possible. Our current coverage (in red, below) extends to multiple communities.

FairlawnGig is a partner of Summit County and several government entities to help improve public safety as well as bring other communities in the County the best possible internet service.   

Not in your area? Request an expansion to your neighborhood!

FairlawnGig is a Municipal Broadband Utility from the City of Fairlawn, Ohio.


Phone: 330-668-3300


3300 Fairlawn Service Drive
Fairlawn, Ohio 44333


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© 2025 FairlawnGig The Think Agency