Fairlawn is seeking interested parties to reply to our Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to expand our footprint into portions of Copley.
Summit County and its Executive, Ilene Shapiro have allocated HUD funds for low to moderate income census blocks in Copley. Expanding FairlawnGig aligns with Shapiro’s vision of expanding high quality gigabit speeds to areas in need.
This Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) has been issued by the City of Fairlawn, Ohio (“Owner”) pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 153.65 to 153.72 for the purposes of announcing and soliciting qualified design-build firms who may interested in performing services relating to the design and construction of an underground fiber-optic network that begins at the Fairlawn Gig Vault located at the NW corner of Ridgewood Rd and Sunridge Rd. and provides new fiber infrastructure service to parcels within Copley Township. Together, along with any necessary facilities and equipment, these areas constitute the FairlawnGig Fiber Extension Project – Copley Township (the “Project”).
The Project will be funded through a $1.7 million Community Development Block Grant obtained by Summit County from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, (12 United States Code (“USC”) §§ 1701j–2, 1701l–1, 1701z–5, 1701z–6, 1715z–9 to 1715z–11, 1735f–3 to 1735f–5; 20 USC § 803; 42 USC §§ 1437, 1437a to 1437j, 1439, 1440, 1490e, 1490f, 4104a, 5301 to 5321, 5401 to 5426).
Please email Ernie Staten any questions and answers will be posted here.