This Spring FairlawnGig conducted our fourth annual customer satisfaction survey. The annual survey consisted of approximately a dozen questions and collected 448 residential customer responses, yielding an accuracy of +/- 4%. FairlawnGig’s satisfaction numbers have remained consistently high in an ISP industry accustomed to low satisfaction scores. Overall, satisfaction among household customers is 97% with almost 9 in 10 (89%) saying they are “very satisfied” with FairlawnGig. While satisfaction has always been high, this year is the highest “very satisfied” level in the four years of collecting feedback.
When asked to rate the FairlawnGig’s customer service, 4 in 5 (79%) said “excellent” with 99% stating the service they receive from FairlawnGig is at least “good.”
While FairlawnGig was built for businesses and households, residential real estate continues to go up faster in Fairlawn than the rest of the Northeast Ohio. Almost all of Fairlawn residents say FairlawnGig is important to living in Fairlawn (97%) while an astounding majority (83%) attribute FairlawnGig as either “extremely” or “very important” to their decision to live in Fairlawn.
Throughout the US, Pew Research reports that most Americans (61%) do not have a choice to work-from-home while 14% work from home full-time. In Fairlawn, nearly a quarter (23%) work from home full-time while half (49%) are unable to do so at all.
Unlike traditional ISPs, FairlawnGig does not offer television service. Despite this, the service has reached a more than 68% take rate in our service footprint.
Almost 3 in 4 (71%) of FairlawnGig customers have “cut the cord” of cable television completely while the remaining 26% still rely on cable TV for home entertainment. For these customers, they’re not ready to rely solely on streaming for their television viewing.
Beyond streaming (72%), what are the activities that FairlawnGig is allowing customers to do seamlessly? FairlawnGig-enabled economic activities including online shopping (72%), videoconferencing (59%), and work-from home (46%). Telemedicine is becoming more prevalent, increasing (5%) to 26% while online continuing education dipped slightly from last year to 12%.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, is the “Net Promoter Score” (NPS). A Net Promoter Score gauges customer loyalty and should correlate with revenue growth. The NPS is figured with one simple question:
How likely is it that you would recommend FairlawnGig to a friend or family member? (on a scale of 0-10 where zero is “not at all likely” and ten is “extremely likely.”)
This question produced a NPS for FairlawnGig of 87, an increase of 1 from 2022 (86), 3 from 2021 (84) and 7 from 2020 (80). This puts FairlawnGig is solidly in the top quartile of organizational scores and much higher than the typical ISP, which typically have sub-20 NPS scores.*
NPS classifies FairlawnGig’s customers in its standard categories that follow:
- Promoters (91% of FairlawnGig customers). Responded 9 or 10. Likely to exhibit value- creating behaviors including buying more, remaining customers for longer, and making more positive referrals to other potential customers.
- Passives (5%). Responses of 7 or 8, unlikely to help or hurt brand.
- Detractors (4%). Responded with a score of 0 to 6. Less likely to exhibit value-creating
behaviors for the brand.
* The average Net Promoter Score for Internet Service Providers is in the range of 0, with the lowest being -16 and the highest 19.
Thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s study!