FairlawnGig Redundancy Solutions
When you choose FairlawnGig as your organization’s ISP, it means you will be backed by the latest cutting edge equipment and a team of local technicians and service personnel committed to giving your business uninterrupted premium service.
Beyond our amazing reliability, FairlawnGig offers two distinct services for businesses that absolutely need continuous coverage… no matter what.
First, purchasing a wireless backup connection from FairlawnGig protects your network from an inadvertent fiber cut, keeping your network operating in a wireless mode while the line gets replaced.
A unique offering to FairlawnGig is our “Diverse Path Redundancy,” which provides you with two distinct fiber connections from one ISP. To achieve this, in the past, a business would need to contract with two separate ISPs.
FairlawnGig can deliver two separate connections, at opposite ends of your business, both convening at your network. Your company’s data would travel in opposite directions along the fiber ring, giving you an unprecedented solution to achieve redundancy, for less than it would cost with two separate ISPs.
Additionally, FairlawnGig has a second data center in Embassy Park to increase FairlawnGig’s overall redundancy, reliability and security. There’s no single point of failure as we have diverse circuits, both north and south of Northeast Ohio, offering N+2 service.
If you a need for more redundant services for your business, contact our business account representative to learn more >>
Fairlawn, Ohio 44333