Office: 330-668-3300 - 24/7 Support: 234-206-9110

PMTM Flourishes in a Pandemic with FairlawnGig

For more than three decades, Pro Model & Talent Management (PMTM) has been an industry leader in marketing and placing models all over the Midwest. PMTM also has a developed a national and international placement division, with models/talent working locally, nationally & internationally. With an extensive client base and with talent working constantly, ease of communication is an essential function.

When PMTM reopened after the COVID-19 quarantine of 2020, new realities required the agency to use the Internet to meet with its talent over Zoom. PMTM quickly found that what they had in pre-pandemic times was no longer sufficient capacity for the business to operate. Zoom meetings were crashing, telephone calls were dropping, and the Internet was painfully slow.

Unable to conduct its business, PMTM was losing money. Unfortunately, the only solution the incumbent internet provider was a cost-prohibitive service that still might not have delivered enough bandwidth capacity for the business’ needs.

“Our previous company wanted so much money to get us the bandwidth we needed – it was crazy,” said Mary Sklamba, Vice President for PMTM. “It was then when we found and switched to FairlawnGig.”

PMTM didn’t stop there and looked for help with their (VoIP) phones. Once again, PMTM was experiencing numerous outages as well as the added indignities of incorrect charges as well as a hefty price for monthly service.

“We switched to FairlawnGig for phones and love them,” says Sklamba. “We didn’t need new phones, which was a big selling point and the FairlawnGig team took the time to answer my hundreds of questions. The install was quick and super easy!”

“I also love the fact that I can pick up the phone and talk to someone locally… it’s huge. The last time (and final straw) we tried to reach our incumbent’s customer service it took two hours to reach someone in India who couldn’t help.”

Mary says that FairlawnGig’s improved services are actually saving PMTM more than $10,000 annually on charges. Also, FairlawnGig, and the pandemic, have changed the way PMTM does business to a more cost-effective and healthier practices. Instead of holding local meetings, PMTM now uses Zoom to meet with and work with people all over the country.

“As a business in trying times, FairlawnGig has been a bright spot as we now have markedly better service while saving significant money,” explains Sklamba. “Businesses are foolish not to check out FairlawnGig in these trying times. Each and every month, we’re getting better service for approximately $3500 less a month – that’s the cost of an employee!”

FairlawnGig is a Municipal Broadband Utility from the City of Fairlawn, Ohio.


Phone: 330-668-3300


3300 Fairlawn Service Drive
Fairlawn, Ohio 44333


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