Pandemic Positives
In the year of social distancing, work-from-home, and remote learning, we’re thrilled to bring you and your household the robust Internet service you need. FairlawnGig provides the bandwidth that to support all your needs, even the unanticipated ones, like a pandemic.
As necessity is the mother of invention, we’re looking at 2020 as a chance to take lemons and make lemonade. Take a look at some of our customers’ stories about how they’re doing the same!

– Chuck Monroe
In March, we were both assigned to work from home full time. With all the uncertainties related to the pandemic, having a reliable internet connection was not one of them.
We are both able to complete our workdays without any problems regarding internet. And we are very thankful. This allows us both to focus on more important items with both work and personal life.”
– Ben Goddard

– Sarah Wagner
Without the great internet service from FairlawnGig, I wouldn’t be able to connect with the larger world at all! So, FairlawnGig is huge when it comes to getting through the pandemic! The price is great, the service is awesome and I’m a very happy customer! Thanks!”
– Victoria Shaw

– Karen Smearsoll
Within an hour, I was back online. If you ever had residential internet service provided by one of the big telecom/cable companies, you would find the return-to-working-service part of this experience unbelievable. With FairlawnGig, this quality of service seems to be the norm.”
– Mike Farrell

Thankfully, we have FairlawnGig and if it wasn’t for them, I don’t know what I would have done. When I first experienced some service drops, I called and I kid you not, they were here within a half hour to bring me a signal extender. They are always professional, knowledgeable and nice. I love FairlawnGig.”
– Babette Wilson
– Jeffrey Berno

– Daniel Angelis

As an aside, my engineer brother who lives in Michigan recently visited and hadn’t yet discovered my FairlawnGig. He was very impressed with the speed of my network and also that it is offered by the City. Envious, in fact. So… SCORE!”
– Lori Kidd
– Jason Novelli

FairlawnGig, thankfully, also gave me the confidence to cancel my satellite TV and begin to use a streaming service. A move that has saved me a lot of money! Thank you for being such a reliable service!”
– Dave Haiduc
With all of the stress happening around us, I’m so glad that I don’t have to worry about internet connections!”
– Lori Nusbaum

Fairlawn, Ohio 44333