June 28, 2021 UPDATE:
Ohio Budget Passes WITHOUT putting limits on municipal broadband!
Thank you!
On Wednesday, June 9th, the Ohio State Senate passed a 815 page budget.
Surprisingly, a policy outlawing municipal broadband was included in the Omnibus portion of the bill.
Ohio House Bill 110, which is the House’s chance to weigh in on the statewide budget, will come to a vote in the coming days and no later than June 30.
We’re asking our residents, and residents across the State to get in touch with their State Senators and House Representatives to tell them to strip out the language banning municipal broadband service as well as directing Federal Rescue Act funding to broadband initiatives. Tell them to preserve FairlawnGig today and protect your own chance for better broadband tomorrow, no matter where you live. The language was introduced into the Ohio Senate’s version of the budget bill with no opportunity for public comment. Let’s take that opportunity now with our state elected officials.
Local Governments Push Back

*Includes Bath, Boston, Copley, Coventry, Northfield Center, Richfield, Sagamore Hills, Springfield, Twinsburg, Trumbull, and Tuscarawas
Industry Support

Next Century Cities sends letters to Governor DeWine, Senate, House of Representatives.
Television News Coverage

UPDATED 6/16/21
Broadbanned: Opponents believe proposed budget amendment would limit choice, stifle economic growth
(Features Coalition for Local Internet Choice’s Jim Baller)

Opponents fear proposed municipal broadband ban would create state-sanctioned ISP monopoly
(Features Fairlawn’s Ernie Staten)
Newspaper, Print, and Digital Coverage

Bigger tax cuts, abortion changes, new school funding formula are in Ohio’s budget
The final budget agreement also axed a proposal to limit local governments from offering broadband service.

Ohio Republicans Are Trying To Kill Community Broadband
So far Republicans sponsoring the amendment are refusing to even officially acknowledge their support.

Ohio senators should focus on budget, stop meddling with broadband systems like Fairlawn’s
Akron Beacon Journal Editorial Board
Radio & Podcasts

Fairlawn, Ohio 44333